Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Cottage Cheese- how I missed you

This is dedicated to John Tang- I hope I can inspire you

A lot of people think Cottage Cheese is gross, and to that I say you have not found your perfect cottage cheese. If you like yogurt you should like cottage cheese. I too was initially scared off a bit by the chunky texture but then I discovered Friendship cottage cheese which is not chunky at all but actually whipped and it has become one of my favorite snacks.

Health Benefits:
Nutrition wise cottage cheese is low in calories and fat and high in protein! Because it is high in protein it makes you feel fuller longer. Because a great snack or way to start off the day :)

How to eat it:
I personally like my cottage cheese with honey, it is also great to add in some raisins/craisins, almonds or even fresh fruit. You can also just add some jam. I also have grown to like the chunkier cottage cheese with chives and onion or pineapple.

I hope you give it a try :)